For Couples Who Want to Build Their Financial Future Together.

Install The "Five Financial Date Nights”

Into Your Relationship

In 2025

Replace “Netflix And Chill” With  “Learn the Market, Earn Your Target” With Our Five Financial Date Nights.

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What are the

"Five Financial Date Nights"?

The Five Financial Date Nights is a new approach to developing a financial plan, that allows you and your partner to create a map to buying a house, save for retirement or simply go on that dream vacation without running into all of the common fights that cause couples to get divorced.

We achieve this by replacing Netflix for the next week with "Financial Date Nights” without all of the jargon associated with learning about your finances.

And as a result...this free's you up to start saving for your financial goals - this is the Five Financial Date Nights

  • Prevents Financial Infidelity: Learn how to maintain transparency in your spending habits

  • Accountability: Each session encourages accountability between you and your partner, ensuring you both are committed to your financial plans.

  • Fun Approach: Turn financial planning into enjoyable date nights, making the process less daunting and more engaging.



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"Five Financial Date Nights" is a Shortcut

Before I created the Newlyweds Financial Map - I was struggling with speaking about finances with my wife for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for. I never knew that after I said “I do” how much time would be spent bickering about small purchases from Amazon and Target. 

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire financial advising model upside down. 

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Newlyweds Financial Map system I built by downloading the Newlyweds Financial Map.

Here's how it works….

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.



[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.



[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.



[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.



[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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No one thinks they are going to be the couple that gets divorced.

But when you step on the altar you are a coin flip away from being one of the couples that say “I don’t…”

“I don’t want to do this anymore…”

“I don’t want to see you anymore…”

“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t”

And what is one of the biggest reasons couples get divorced?

Financial Infidelity.

What does financial infidelity look like?

Amazon packages at your front door that came out of nowhere.,.

A couple hundred dollars towards your spouse's hobby that wasn’t discussed…

Empty target bags that litter your living room floor…

All done without discussing these purchases first with your partner. 

These purchases are never based on bad intentions. It is a small purchase one day, a lunch out at work another day. But each of these small decisions turn into small bickering matches. Which builds into full blown fights. Which builds into years of resentment where both partners feel like the other are not taking their long term financial goals seriously. 

The reality is that…

Between 30-40% of Divorces Are Caused by Finances

I want to let you know that this is not your fault.

This is something every couple has to learn how to overcome, and the unfortunate reality is that we are not given the tools to properly have these conversations. 

In school we learned the pythagorean theorem, the powerhouse of the cell, and literature from men that died 100 years ago.

But When it Comes to Finances, We Are All Left to Fend For Ourselves.

And you know what makes it worse?

Our personal finances are one of those things that we are never supposed to talk about.

Instead, we go through life never speaking about what is one of the most important factors of American life. 

Our relationship with finances is passed down from how our parents treated money (Which is an entirely different can of worms), and when we finally get to the point where we say “I do” we create a household which has two entirely different viewpoints on finances. 

Which makes the fact that when you step up to the altar you have a 50% chance of divorce that much less surprising.

That is why I became a financial advisor.

I saw too many couples having fights about money that could be easily avoided if they had the tools to

  • Have the difficult (sometimes embarrassing) conversations about their financial background

  • Understand why developing a financial plan makes it so finances won’t bring you apart, but closer together as you take steps towards achieving your plan.

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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


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Here Is How My Wife and Myself Stopped Arguing About Finances, And Used Finances As A Tool To Bring Us Closer Together.

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Dear Future Five Financial Date Nights Owner

I am Hennessy Stuart and I am a financial advisor with Virginia Asset Management. 

That is just a fancy way of saying that I help couples, like you, develop a roadmap of what they want their lives to look like, and what steps they need to take to achieve those goals. 

And as I have been helping clients I noticed that while the actions my clients need to take may be simple, it doesn’t mean that they know what those steps actually are. 

They don’t know how to follow through on a plan that they create.

Instead, they fall back into old habits instilled into them when they were children. 

A lot of the same problems that I was running into with my wife, Maggie, were playing out in my clients lives as well. 

We were struggling trying to figure out how to approach the topic of finances.

The way we both approached and thought about our finances was completely different. When we got married there was no guide, no map, no way on how to approach this topic sensitively. 

And so it was ignored…

What happens when you ignore a problem?

It doesn’t disappear, instead it grows.

Turning into a series of small bickering matches.

Spending the little time we have together after work arguing about small problems instead of the big underlying problem.

Small problems like…

  • “Do we really need 1,000 pillows for our bed?”

  • “Do we really need to spend a car payment on new golf clubs?”

  • "Do we really need to spend money on a brand-new phone when your current one works fine?"

  • "Do we really need another subscription service when we barely use the ones we have?"

Now do we really need any of these?

No, but they make our lives better.

The problem is by not talking about our overall financial goals, each of these purchases turned into an argument. 

Ironic isn’t it? The financial advisor who struggles to speak about finances with his wife?

But that just shows how difficult it is to speak about one of the most important topics in American life. 

And this is something I noticed with not only my clients, but with my friends as well.

How do you combine finances to set and achieve goals, not as two separate individuals, but together as one team?

This question made me take a step back and rethink how I was approaching my career. 

I thought that the most important part of being a financial advisor is, well, giving financial advice. 

There is a reason I spent thousands of hours studying, passing my (CREDENTIALS HENN HAS), ensuring that I can help point clients in the right direction.

To be their personal financial trainer that can ensure that they can build a life that they want. 

But after spending thousands and thousands of hours studying, understanding the best way to allocate assets, the phases of life where you should be investing, coasting, and withdrawing, I learned something…

That the best laid plans do not matter if everyone is not on the same page.

I understand this is obvious, but when you spend all day with your nose in a book it can be easy to miss the forest for the trees. 

And that is why I wanted to create this 5 day program that couples can replace Netflix for the week, with date nights to understand finance. That way you can not only avoid common traps that can cause divorce down the line, but grow closer together with every purchase.

This Is [INSERT TESTIMONIAL NAME], A Five Financial Date Night Member


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Why do so many couples struggle with finances today?

Well 30 years ago, you could work a regular job and afford a house, a car, and maybe even a yearly vacation.

15 years ago…

You could still make it happen but it would require two people working.

5 years ago…

It wasn’t enough to work full-time—you also needed a side hustle just to make ends meet.

And we have seen this play out in nearly every aspect of life.

  • ​The average cost of college has increased by 181.3% from 1990 after adjusting for inflation.

  • The typical federal student loan debt per borrower is about $37,056, but when you look at both federal and private loans, the average debt per borrower climbs to over $37,000 for federal loans and nearly $55,000 for private loans.

  • The average cost of a house is 71% higher from 1990 when adjusting for inflation.

The promise of getting a college degree so you could have a high paying job was taken away during the 2007 financial crisis. 

Where our parents could walk onto a factory floor and be making the equivalent of $30 an hour today with just a high school diploma…

Today you need to go through multiple rounds of interviews, years of unpaid internships, and tens of thousands of dollars in debt just to get an entry level job that pays $25 an hour.

Young professionals have a higher cost of living and more debt just as they are getting their lives started.

The results?

Couples are getting married later in life…

Having kids later in life…

Hitting adult milestones later in life…

All due to the financial stress that is unique to our generation.

So when we look at why the divorce rate is so high.

Why finances is the #1 problem couples break up. 

It all begins to make sense…

Handling finances is harder today than it has ever been in the past 30 years…

And it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier. 

Because of how hard it is, couples tend to let finances fester beneath the surface.

  • 68% of engaged couples held a negative attitude about discussing money.

  • 45% considered it “necessary but awkward,”

  • 7% said it was “likely to lead to a fight.”

  • 5% said they thought it would cause them to call off the wedding.

  • More than half (56%) of all workers don’t know how much they’ll need to save for retirement.

So couples are left in a situation where they struggle to speak about finances as money is getting tighter and tighter, at the same time the financial industry has decades of experience taking advantage of people who do not understand finance.

The Financial Industry Is Broken

As everything is becoming more and more expensive, as couples struggle to speak about their finances, the people giving you financial advice may not have your best interest in mind.

Quick history lesson.

Remember the move “Wolf of Wall Street”

Remember the 2007 housing crisis?

These are two scenarios where financial professionals sold bad investments, leaving the people that bought from them hanging out to dry.

The financial industry is littered with people who overcomplicate what they do to sell bad stocks, bad homes, bad investments.

Personally, my parents lost a lot in the 2007 financial crisis as I am sure yours did too. 

They went from owning rental properties to worrying about how they are going to put food on the table. 

They did everything right, but were still decimated through no fault of their own. All because bankers decided to bundle in bad investments with good ones causing our entire financial system to collapse. 

These “money-men” hide how they make money so that couples like you, couples like my parents, couples like your parents are left holding the bag as they buy their 3rd vacation home. 

They do so by taking advantage of people who don’t understand the power of compounding your money. Advisors who were charging up to 3% a year!

And I know that doesn’t sound like a lot…

But over a lifetime that can cost you millions of dollars. 

Now that number has come down as people have learned more, but other financial advisors are still charging 1% a year. 

For the average person who is saving for retirement, they can end up spending over $1,000,000 for financial advice.

One Million Dollars For Financial Advice…

It is a predatory environment, where the king of the jungle isn’t the animal with the biggest teeth, but the person with the best understanding of finances. 

Now, our parents could afford to make mistakes. 

Their wages were higher, they had less debt, the cost of goods, services and housing were all a fraction of what they are today.

But today…

Today we are getting squeezed from every direction.

To the point where less than 1/3rd of Americans believe they will ever retire. 

Believe that they will be working as their back begins to ache, as their eyesight begins to fade, as their mobility begins to fail. 

Competing for Wal-Mart greeter jobs because the idea of working in a factory is no longer possible in their old age. 

Working because there are "financial professionals” and a system which is trying to squeeze them from every possible angle. 

Creating the environment which is responsible for so many couples fighting over finances. 

You simply don’t know what you don’t know.

It is like going to court to argue for your freedom against lawyers who have been studying the intricacies of law their entire lives.

It is like going to pay your taxes every year, but being expected to understand a 3,000+ page tax code. 

It is a full time job.

Yet, couples try to go at it on their own. 

And wondering why it is so difficult for them. 

Why they continue to bicker about finances

Wondering why can't they get along with the person they fell in love with.

There is a system in place designed to make this as complicated as possible. 

Designed to squeeze every last dollar, no, every last penny out of you. 

It isn’t right.

Which is why I made the Newlywed Financial Map

The Five Financial Date Nights is a Shortcut

How much financial advice have you seen come and go through the years?

Whether it is…

  • Stop buying coffee.

  • Destroy your credit cards.

  • Or live entirely like a monk….

Each of these can work, but when they are not tied to a larger financial goal they tend to fail. Why suffer today if you have no idea what you are saving for tomorrow?

That is why you need to create a roadmap for what you and your partner want out of life. 

Instead, I saw that there are three key problems couples are facing that can be solved with just 5 date nights over the next week. 

  • There is a lack of knowledge when it comes to finances which leads to couples getting divorced at a historic rate due in large part to finances. 

  • Couples lack the tools to be able to have hard (and sometimes embarrassing) conversations about their financial health.

  • All while there are financial professionals who hide their rates behind a percentage instead of being upfront with what they charge, allowing them to collect millions from their clients.

Which is why I made a financial map designed specifically for couples in mind. 

Specifically for people that are facing the same problems me and my wife have faced.

Over the next five days you and your spouse can have a date night where you and your spouse can finally sit down and put your life dreams to paper, and what you will need to do to accomplish them.

Create your own financial roadmap for what you want from life.

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Date Night 1: The “Second First Date”

(Understand Your Financial Personality)

Remember your first date with your partner? 

It is all about trying to get to know the person and see if they are actually a good fit for you. 

This is what you will be doing your first night with the “NAME OF PROGRAM”, learning more about how you each approach finances and how you might be compatible and not so compatible and what you can do to work together. 

The first night you both will take a quiz to uncover how each of you approach finances. By understanding each other's financial personality, a lot of problems other couples run into will all begin to make sense. Are you a saver or a spender?

Do you like to take risks or be safer in your approach to money?

By going through our (20) point quiz you will have a better understanding of your financial personality along with your partners.

Once you go through the quiz we will learn about common arguments other couples like you run into based on their financial personality.

Then once you understand your financial personality and how it relates to your partner, we will go through how to get the most out of your life financially and how you can prepare yourself for the ups and downs that are the market.

Date Night 2: Defining The Relationship

Once you understand your financial personality and how it relates to your partner you can enter the “define the relationship” stage of finances. 

Now, when you are dating this typically means that you start thinking more long term with your partner.

During your second date night you will learn how thinking long term with your finances will set you up for a life of your dreams.

Whether that is buying your dream house, or planning how to grow old together, both need to be worked towards every day. 

That is why during the second night you will learn about…

  • Importance of Time Horizons (And how understanding this can make you a millionaire)

  • Time Value of Money (Why every dollar you invest today can be worth up to 7 dollars when you retire)

  • Savings vs Investments (How to prepare for the worst while still building a future)

  • Investment Accounts (Some of the best way to invest your money so you can keep more of it and get taxed less)

  • Traps the Financial Industry Tries to Catch You In (And why it can cost you millions)

  • Unrealistic Expectations  (Why social media is making 2/3rds of Americans believe they will never retire)

Date Night 3: Meeting The Parents

It is amazing how many habits we take from our parents (whether we like it or not). So many of these habits go completely unnoticed by us until we get married and have someone point out our odd behaviors.

This is especially true with how we approach our finances. The problem is that we take these behaviors for granted and then argue with our partner when they don’t match. 

On night three you will learn how your partner's parents influence their beliefs about money. That way you both can build a new belief set that benefits your relationship, not something that was passed down from two different sets of parents. 

Then you will learn the best way married couples set up their financial accounts. That way you both can be on the same team instead of living out two different beliefs about money.

Finally, you will learn about the hidden finances behind raising children and how you can become financially prepared today for the little ones you will have tomorrow (or recently have had). 

Here is everything you will uncover during date night 3:

  • How your Upbringing Changes the Way you View Money

  • How to Merge Finances with someone who views money differently than you

  • Account Setup.

  • Hidden finances behind raising children.

Date Night 4: "Your First Fight"

If only relationships were 100% good 100% of the time. But life is difficult and there are going to be storms that you will both need to weather together.

Couples that don’t speak about their finances sweep it under the rug, allowing it to blow up into a big fight down the line. 

The fight might be due to your partner financially cheating on you (Lily wracked up thousands of dollars of debt in “How I Met Your Mother” without telling her husband.

It might be due to power dynamics where one person makes more than the other. 

It might be due to a simple misalignment of goals where one person is saving for retirement and the other is focused on their child's college fund. 

Either way, you need to have the ability to have difficult conversations throughout your relationship.

So open up a bottle of wine and dive into some of the most contentious topics you can speak about. 

You will be surprised how close you will come together after mapping it out.

Here is what you will discuss...

  • How to communicate with your partner around finances.

    • Safe space when talking about money

    • Goal setting

  • How to merge finances with someone who views money differently than you

  • How to speak about debt, how to solve debt together. (Why this could be the thing that brings you most closely together, or separate you)

  • Financial Infidelity

    • Hidden spending or debt

    • Lack of transparency

    • Is your partner cheating on you

  • Power Dynamics

    • Income Disparities

    • Control Issues

Date Night 5: New Beginnings

At this point you have an understanding of how you both approach finances, how your parents influenced your view on finances, the basics of savings and setting up your account, along with getting out all of the gunk that might cause fights between the two of you down the road.

Now you just need to plan out what you want. 

You will be able to put in your income, your expenses and see how much you can save every year and what that means for your goals.

Then you can write out what your goals are in 5, 10, 25 years and how much money you will need to accomplish it. 

This way you can both develop a plan that you are excited about. 

This way you both are on the same page when it omes to your finances

This way you don’t become another part of the divorce statistic. 

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The "Five Financial Date Night" Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

This is why I made the "Five Financial Date Nights"

I know you might be thinking that you have to have a lot of money to start and that might be stopping you from starting, and you know most people think that’s true, then they found that once they started the "Five Financial Date Nights", that once they started working towards their financial goals, money opened up for what they really wanted from life, not small pleasures throughout the week.

Now, you might also think that you have to have 24 hours a day to do this, but because we put everything into a step-by-step system, you can do it all in just 30 minutes a day for the next week. Treat it as a date night with your partner to get to know them better.

So knowing that everything I told you to be true…

That the moment you step on the altar and say “I do” there is a 50% chance of divorce.

That one of the leading causes of divorce is finances.

That the cost of housing, education, and groceries continues to go up year after year…

What would it be like if you didn’t have to argue about finances?

If you had a goal in mind that brought you and your partner closer together rather than draw each other apart?

What would it be like if every day you are taking a step closer to a life that you and your partner dreamed up together?

Who would you be if you knew exactly where your money was going?

Who would you be if you could be the rock for your families?

To be able to support your parents as they age and give your kids a launch pad into life?

Where would you go if you didn’t keep buying unaccounted for meals out at work?

Where would you go if amazon packages that when they arrive you couldn’t remember what you ordered?

What would you do differently now that you know that it is possible to get your finances in order. That it possible for you and your partner to create and achieve long term goals?

What do you lose when you lose the small fights between you and your spouse?

What do you lose when you have a plan for your finances?

The only thing you lose is stress. The only thing you lose is uncertainty about what the future holds. The only thing you lose is the constant nagging between you and your partner driving you two apart.

The question isn’t “when I get money I’ll do this…”

The question isn’t “when me and my partner are in a better place I’ll do this…”

The only question is when are you going to find time to build a financial future with your partner.

The only question is when are you going to discover the tools that make having life's most difficult conversations easier.

The only question is when are you going to start working towards your dreams every day. Whether it is a house, retirement, or simply a vacation.

If you said today then you are the type of person who doesn’t allow life to just happen to you.

If you said today then you are the type of person who will be able to achieve your financial goals.

But if you are someone who said next week, next month, next year…

When today is over, you’ll never get it back. The same as this week, next week, the month ahead and before you know it it’ll be too late.

So if you’re someone who said tomorrow, next week, or next month

Knowing that when today is over, you’ll never get it back.

When are you going to take control of your finances?

The only thing you need left to do is start today.

And that’s why we are not just including a call with a financial advisor.

We are not just including a 5 day fast start.

But when you order today you well get this bonus to help you get started.

Interactive Worksheets

What is the best way to learn?

It isn’t by just watching videos, it is by applying what you learn to your life. 

That is why we have interactive worksheets that pair with every video so that way you're able to apply what you know.

What's the catch?

I am hoping that when you decide to move forward with a financial advisor you will trust me to build out a customized plan for you and your partner.

But beyond that, because advisors have such high consulting fees it can be hard to get started. 

And when every dollar you put towards your dreams today, is worth 7x the dollar that you put towards your dreams in 30 years (due to the 8th wonder of the world, compounding interest). It is important to start thinking about your finances today.

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...
I was planning on selling this program for $97, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.
Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

By Lowering The Price To $27.00 It Allows Me To help More People

I consider that at true win/win...
Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

In most cases, it will cost me more money to advertise this then what I am making.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.
I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 
Pretty straightforward.
Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting The Savings Calculator

Discover exactly how much you will need to start investing in your future to meet your goals. 

Simply put in your yearly income, your expenses and how much you can start saving and see how long it will take to hit your goals.

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And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

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And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $27.99

Like my dad used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download this course, watch it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

Then set up a meeting and we can create a plan for you.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $99.00 and let you keep the Newlyweds Financial Map free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

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here’s why it’s only $27...

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We teach our clients to give their best stuff away for "almost free". We tell them to tip the scale: offer thousands of dollars of value, and charge less than $10 for it. This is simply us taking our own advice.

For the record: this is one of the easiest ways te Improve your business: start offering more value than what you ask for in return.

Jane Dou
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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John Dou
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

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John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

here’s why it’s only $27...

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valued at $340

We teach our clients to give their best stuff away for "almost free". We tell them to tip the scale: offer thousands of dollars of value, and charge less than $10 for it. This is simply us taking our own advice.

For the record: this is one of the easiest ways te Improve your business: start offering more value than what you ask for in return.



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Jane Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.



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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

 INSTANT ACCESS             Price: $37 $5.00

[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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[INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION] 21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.

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John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
Jane Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

here’s why it’s only $27...

... and also get a free bonuses 

valued at $340

We teach our clients to give their best stuff away for "almost free". We tell them to tip the scale: offer thousands of dollars of value, and charge less than $10 for it. This is simply us taking our own advice.

For the record: this is one of the easiest ways te Improve your business: start offering more value than what you ask for in return.

book reviews

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John Dou
Company Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.
John Dou
Company Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet1 posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

John Dou
Company Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed mattis nisl. Nulla tincidunt nunc et quam imperdiet posuere. Nam sollicitudin, ligula in efficitur sodales, odio sem scelerisque neque, 1ut euismod lorem arcu a dui. Aenean elementum quam mi, et dapibus massa vestibulum ut.

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You will be able to replace “Netflix and Chill” with “Learn and Earn” over the next five days so that you and your partner can achieve your goals.

Every day you will be able to watch a quick video of me breaking down complex financial topics and how to discuss those so that way you are prepared to build a financial future of your dreams.

Interactive Work Sheets

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What is the best way to learn?

It isn’t by just watching videos, it is by applying what you learn to your life. 

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You Are Also Getting The 5-Night Fast Start Video Series

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The 5-Night Fast Start Video Series

  • NIGHT 1: The 2nd First Date

  • NIGHT 2: Defining The Relationship

  • NIGHT 3: Meeting The Parents

  • NIGHT 4:  Your First Fight

  • ​NIGHT 5: New Beginnings

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Hennessey Stuart, Financial Planner

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The Only System You’ll Ever Need To Stop Arguing About Finances

I have put everything I’ve learned, everything I use myself in this book so that you can learn from my mistakes, my wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this book.

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Date Night 1:

The “Second First Date” (Understand Your Financial Personality)

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Date Night 3:

Meeting The Parents

Date Night 3:

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Meeting The Parents

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Date Night 2:

Defining The Relationship

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Date Night 4:

Your First Fight

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 Frequently Asked Questions

Need help?

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

You are getting five financial date nights that you and your partner can complete together. This combined with a five video course, the 3x3 savings matrix, interactive worksheets, and the savings calculator will give you all the tools you need to start.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing creating this but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing. We also have our group of private clients (by application only) if you want us to help you implement everything.

Who is this for?

This is for couples who have recently or are about to get married who want to get their finances under control.

What is "Five Financial Date Nights"

Five Financial Date Nights is a solution to the common problem of fighting about finances.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

It isn't dry financial advice. It is made to be something that is fun that both you and your partner can do together. All for a fraction of the cost of hiring a financial advisor.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.

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